41 Unique Ways To Bounce Back From a Heartbreak

By | October 19, 2018

41 unqiue ways to bounce back from a heartbreak
When we like someone we sometimes become completely overwhelmed and lonely when things don’t work out. Whether it’s from a break up or a crush that didn’t reciprocate your feelings, it can sometimes totally ruin us. Here are 41 fun and unique suggestions to help you bounce back from a heartbreak and remind you there is an exciting world waiting for you.

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1. Cry your heart out – It’s not your traditional idea of fun but being able to let go of all those emotional tensions can make you feel a lot better. Don’t hesitate to cry. Just let it all out.

2. Meet someone new – It’s a whole world out there filled with many kinds of interesting people. Sometimes we forget that. Remind yourself there are plenty of fish out there and meet some cool new people. The more friends you have, the merrier.

3. Wake up early and take photos of the sunrise – Taking photos of nature is a fun way to relax and simply be at peace. I know because I do it myself. Breathe in the misty morning air and exhale all of your worries and fears.

4. Pick up a new book – It’s always nice to curl up on the couch with hot choco and distract yourself with a whole new world within the pages of a book.

5. Shop for something different – People usually shop for the same things over and over again. Go out and buy something you normally would not buy. Having an open mind can widen your horizons.

6. Visit blahtherapy and ventBlahtherapy is an interesting website that lets you connect with a listener one on one and tell them your problems anonymously. You can also choose to be the listener.

7. Put all of things that remind you of him or her in a box – This is a very good way of moving on because it frees you from all of the memories. You can choose to lock this up somewhere safe or have your friend hold it for you.

8. Volunteer to build a houseHabitat for humanity helps homeless people around the world by building cheap houses with the help of volunteers. It’s a good place to meet new people and help a good cause.

9. Learn how to spell your name in sign language – Then when someone asks you for your name spell it out using what you learned.

10. Meet new people of similar interest using a meet up websiteMeetUp helps you meet people of the same interest around your area. Topics of interest can range from something as general as biking to something as specific as Ukeleles.

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11. Watch a new TV show – TV shows and Anime series are great ways to distract yourself from a heartbreak because they introduce you to new interesting characters. Watch this with a friend and make the experience even better.

12. Learn a new skill – You can learn a nostalgic tune on the piano, learn to play a love song on the guitar, or learn a new sport. Finding a passion is a very good way of expressing yourself and have a ton of fun.

13. Clean your place – Seeing your room transform from a master dome of distress to an organized masterpiece can be quite a liberating experience.

14. Talk to one random person per day for a month – You simply ask someone for the time, ask them for directions or simply ask their opinion on something. This is a very good way of getting out of your shell and stepping out of your comfort zone.

15. Travel – Stay somewhere new for a few days. It can be in a new city, a different state or even a different country. (depends on what your budget allows)

16. Try couchsurfing – Couchsurfing is a hospitality exchange and social networking website. It allows people to “surf” on a host’s couch by staying as a guest.

17. Go on a mudrun – Mud runs are a ton of fun and a great way to meet new people in a unique setting.

18. Adopt a pet – Nothing mends a broken heart like warm fuzzy friend laying on your lap. Also you get that good feeling of saving an animal’s life.

19. Write a bucket list – If you haven’t written you, this would be the best time. Open your heart and look deep in your soul because during moments of vulnerability do we realize what we truly want in life.

20. Watch a childhood movie – Nostalgia at its best. We often have selective memories about the movies we’ve watched as a child. Re-watching these movies can be quite an interesting experience.

21. Download the Whisper AppWhisper is an anonymous secret sharing app for mobile phones. Express yourself by putting your thoughts on pictures and publishing it for other anonymous people to see and respond to.

22. Take a really long bath – Sometimes you just have to lay down in bubbly water for a really long time and let all your worries float away.

23. Buy a potted plant – There is something profoundly satisfying about helping something grow to its fullest. Not only does it liven up your room, it brings you closer to mother nature.

24. Do some yoga – If you are new to this, make sure to take it slow on the downward dogs. The all-time-favorite corpse pose is a viable alternative.

25. MeditateLearn how to meditate and get all those negative thoughts out of your head. A positive new start requires a head full of positive thoughts.

26. Talk to someone at a stop light – Try this out. Instead of using your phone to look for directions, roll down your window and ask the person in the car next to you for directions the old-fashion way.

27. Master the full squat – The best thing to do after a heartbreak is to get in shape and what better exercise to get in shape than the squat. Learn how to do this perfectly and you are set for life.

28. Work the punching bag – Most gyms have a punching bag collecting dust in the corner. Go get some cheap gloves and unleash your fury. It is a very good way of physically releasing all your pent up anger and chances are you have quite a lot of it.

29. Write a Fan-fiction – If you think you’ve had enough books and movies and want to step it up a notch, how about you create your own world by writing a fanfiction.

30. Indulge – Get two new besties – Ben and Jerry! It’s okay to indulge once in a while. One day of eating anything you can get your hands on is a great way of relieving stress.

31. Go wine tasting – Take a trip with friends to a wine tasting event and have a fun time drinking wine, eating cheese, and take a relaxing walk along the vineyard. Nothing sooths a broken heart like fine wine.

32. Start a journal if you don’t have one yet – It can be one of those old school journals with a lock or you can embrace the 21st century and download a journal app.

33. Do some wikipedia surfing – You can study something you have always been curious about and become a total expert at it once you are done.

34. Play Geogeussr with yourself or with friendsGeoguessr drops you on a random google map location and scores you based on how close your guess is. It’s a ton of fun!

35. Get a make over – It’s a cliche thing to do after a break up but transforming your look is the most satisfying way of moving on.

36. Choose a daily affirmation – Daily affirmations are phrases you tell yourself everyday to stay positive. You can choose a few from this list of 100 daily affirmations.

37. Sing karaoke with some friends – Music is awesome and singing your favorite song yourself is even better. Sing your heart out and let the lyrics guide your emotions.

38. Get a new hobby – Knitting, biking, running, collecting figurines of pachyderms or become the legendary couponer, your imagination is the limit.

39. Watch the sunset – Go somewhere beautiful and watch the sun at as it sets in the horizon.

40. Stalk your favorite actor on imdb – Choose your favorite actor of all time and watch all the movies in their filmography.

41. Give your best friend a special gift – During difficult times like heartbreak do we realize just how precious best friends are. If you have a best friend whether its a friend, your cousin, your mother, your sister, or your dad, make sure to let them know how you appreciate them.
heart new and healed

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